Welcome to the 2025 ANVC Multi-Modal CT Store!
Here you can register to gain access to our new Multi-Modal CT Imaging Learning Center.

Online access is $75.00 for ANVC Members.* Non-members pay $150.00 access fee.
**Purchase Allows 3 Months Access**
(For Access Extensions - Additional Purchase is Necessary)

*Annual cost of ANVC Membershipis $75.00

Click "Next" to register. After registration is completed, log-in instructions will be emailed to your attention from info@anvc.org*

ANVC's Refund/Cancellation policy is as follows:
Cancellation 30 days prior to event = Full Refund
Cancellation 15 days prior to event = 50% Refund
Cancellation less than 14 days prior to event = 0 Refund

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16410 East Emerald Drive, Ste. 201 | Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 | info@anvc.org
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